Help Mail

How do I check my mail?

To access your mailbox, login to your account and then click on the 'Messages' link at the top of your page. This will take you directly to your 'Inbox', where received messages are shown. Click on the 'From' line of a message and you will be able to read your mail.


How do I send mail to another member?

Go to your mailbox, and click the 'Compose' tab. Fill in the Username of the member you want to contact (or select a Username from the '-Favorites-' drop down box), the subject of the mail, and the actual letter that you want to send. When you are done, click the 'Send' button, and your letter will be delivered. The length of each message is limited to 10000 characters. Remember that you must have a Gold Membership to compose, and reply to messages.


What should I say in my message?

The content of your email to other members is entirely up to you; however there are some basic guidelines to keep in mind. Your messages should not contain any vulgar, abusive, or otherwise offensive language. Also, advertising other websites or services is not permitted. If our Support department receives complaints about a user, it is possible that their email privileges may be revoked.